
is my number-one passion!

I learned to fly in 2008 with Dreyeckland near Freiburg. In the Summer time, whenever the wind and the weather is good, I leave work at 4pm to go flying. I am very lucky because it takes me less than 30 minutes to get to the local starting area, Kandel. As well as Germany I have flown in France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and in California. Flying is amazing!

In 2014 I decided that showing my friends’ pictures and videos just wasn’t enough for them to understand what this sport means to me and so many others, so I went and got myself a licence for flying tandem paragliders. In 2015 I took more than 50 of my friends and their friends into the sky. I wished that I had done this much earlier – the experience was fantastic.

I am looking forward to more tandem flights in the future.

DGFC I fly at Kandel which is 25km north-east of Freiburg and just a 15 minute car drive from where I live. I am a member of the Drachen- und Gleitschirmflieger Club Südschwarzwald there. The club has over 400 members and almost all are active pilots.
DHV The Deutsche Hängegleiterverband e.V., DHV, is our parent organisation and the world’s largest club for hang gliding and paragliding with 35,000 members. There are 350 clubs around Germany. The largest number of pilots are in Baveria, ca. 10,000 and where I live in Baden-Würtemmberg ca. 8,500.
People  Photographs of people who have flown with me.
Films  Films of people who have flown with me.